
Communication. We live in an age where communication is as easy as it has ever been. I remember as a student walking to someone else’s room and leaving a note on their door when they were out or queuing to use the phone box outside the bar to ring home (showing my age here). Yet I think our ability to communicate may be as poor now as I can ever remember. Texts and emails can easily be misinterpreted and we have forsaken face to face interaction with light digital touch. I think I’ve learned a few key things over the years with regards to communication.

1. The quality of your communication is how it is received not how you delivered it.

2. Always check for understanding from the other person.

3. Do make your communication easy to receive and digestible.

4. Consider how the other person or people need to receive the information to suit them.

5. Are you in a good emotional state to send the information?

6. Is the other person in a good state to receive it?

7. Be a great listener. Be present. Reflect back what you heard.

I’m sure there are many more but a good starter.

